
14 febr 2016: Contact Jam "Underscore editie" met live muziek

Primeur: Underscore & live muziek

YanivphotoOnze Contact Jam begint dit jaar echt bijzonder, namelijk met een 'Underscore'. Deze bijzondere structuur staat wereldwijd bekend als een uitgelezen vorm om de geïmproviseerde dans te ervaren en vooral ook onderzoeken. Yaniv Ginton zal vooraf een begeleidende workshop geven en ons na een korte pauze in de Underscore begeleiden. Pablo zal deze dag van live muziek voorzien. Een primeur en ik hoop dat alle nieuwsgierige (CI?) dansers er bij zullen zijn.



underscoresymbols sThe Underscore is a vehicle for incorporating Contact Improvisation into a broader arena of improvisational dance practice; for developing greater ease dancing in spherical space—alone and with others; and for integrating kinesthetic and compositional concerns while improvising. It allows for a full spectrum of energetic and physical expressions, embodying a range of forms and changing states. Its practice is familiar yet unpredictable.

The practice progresses through a broad range of dynamic states, including long periods of very small, private, and quiet internal activity and other times of higher energy and interactive dancing.

There are 20+ phases of the score—each with a name and a graphic symbol—which create a general map for the dancers. Within that frame, dancers are free to create their own movements, dynamics, and relationships—with themselves, each other, the group, the music, and the environment. Each Underscore is unique, providing rich and often inspiring experiences of the human and artistic phenomena of dance improvisation.

More about the Underscore at nancystarksmith.com


Yaniv Ginton

yanivmetdrumYaniv is exploring Contact Improvisation in the past few years enthusiastically. It has been a home for him to return to in his movement and a friend to take with him on his travels. He has been studying and exploring his movement with Nancy Stark Smith, Daniel Lepkoff, Julyen Hamilton, Mirva Makinnen and many other wonderful teachers, dancers and friends. He is exploring the past years the path of Vipassana and Yoga as well as part of his life. Photography and Music are also deep in his life. He has been working as a Software Consultant for 12 years.

More info at yanivginton.com also look at his videos


Pablo is a guitar player. Recently he started exploring and experimenting the combination of music and dance. He is exploring sound scape together with the music background he has. For over a year Pablo and Yaniv have been researching the dance and music through the context of The Underscore.


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